
Join Us and Be Part of the Solution

Become a member of InfraGard today and help protect America’s critical infrastructure.  InfraGard is an organization dedicated to the protection of the United States and the American people.  In order to maintain a level of trust within the membership, all applicants undergo a records check performed by the FBI.  Applications are screened according to a defined criteria and then passed to the local chapter for final processing and approval.

InfraGard membership comes with great responsibility.  We value members who are wiling to devote their time, effort and talent to help build this organization and achieve our goals of protecting the American people.  As a member, you are a representative of the nation’s largest volunteer organization dedicated to critical infrastructure  protection.

Before you fill out your application, please read the InfraGard Code of Ethics:

As an InfraGard member it is my responsibility to:

• Promote the protection and advancement of the critical infrastructure of the United States of America.
• Cooperate with others in the interchange of knowledge and ideas for mutual protection.
• Support the education of members and the general public in a diligent, loyal, honest manner, and not knowingly be a part of any illegal or improper activities.
• Serve in the interests of InfraGard and the general public in a diligent, loyal, and honest manner, and will not knowingly be a party to any illegal or improper activities.
• Maintain confidentiality, and prevent the use for competitive advantage at the expense of other members, of information obtained in the course of my involvement with InfraGard, which includes but is not limited to: o Information concerning the business of a fellow member or company. o Information identified as proprietary, confidential or sensitive.
• Abide by the National and Local Chapter InfraGard Bylaws.
• Protect and respect the privacy rights, civil rights, and physical and intellectual property rights of others.

Benefits of Joining

InfraGard has over 55,000 members and receives more than 7,000 new applications per year.  See the InfraGard attracts more than 7,000 new applicants each year article at the Government Security News site. Some benefits are:

  • Network with representatives from other organizations and agencies that help maintain our national infrastructure. Quick Fact: 350 of our nation’s Fortune 500 have a representative in InfraGard.
  • Learn time-sensitive, infrastructure related security information from government sources such as the FBI and DHS.
  • Get invitations and discounts to important training seminars and conferences.
  • Best of all, there is no cost to join InfraGard.

Application Process and Privacy Policy

After familiarizing yourself with the InfraGard Code of Ethics and reviewing the IJMA Privacy Policy, please complete and submit the secure online application through the national InfraGard, selecting Jacksonville as your local chapter.

Get Local

All InfraGard members are associated with a local chapter. Some states have more than one chapter. If you are a member and live in the Jacksonville area, please join us for an IAMA event and find out how you can get involved locally.